Ростовская область, г. Ростов-на-Дону, пл. Гагарина, 1 8 корпус
+7 (863) 273-84-38; +7 (863) 273-84-83
octm@donstu.ru; donstu.talant@gmail.com

I am a Master’s student (не публиковать)

The registration is open from 16 January to 16 February 2023 at http://distan.donstu-talant.ru/ The contest consists of 2 phases:
  1. The qualification phase.
The testing is held online at http://distan.donstu-talant.ru/  from 17 February to 9 March 2023.
  1. The final phase.
It is held online at https://skif.donstu.ru/spec/ from 13 March to 13 April 2023. The applicants are to solve the practice-based tasks. The Olympiad tasks are composed in full accordance with the Russian Federation Educational Standards. The results are published at https://donstu-talant.ru/magistr/ by 30 March 2023. The winners and awardees can receive their Certificates in person (you will need to provide your ID) since June, 20, 2023 at Gagarin sq. 1, Building 8, Office 137, Talented Youth Support Department from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
What are the benefits of participation?

The Olympiad provides an opportunity for international applicants to be enrolled at Don State Technical University without entrance examinations or to receive state scholarship (quota) to study for free.